Burke/Fairfax CROP Hunger Walk Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty

Walk Route

The Walk route is approximately 5.8 kilometers (3.6 miles). A shorter Golden Mile route is also an option. (A woman or young girl in Africa or Asia walks an average distance of 6k every day to collect water, which weighs on average 44 pounds, and takes about 4-5 hours. We walk because they walk – the millions who walk every day for their very existence.)

The Walk . . .

  • Begins at Burke Presbyterian Church (5690 Oak Leather Drive, Burke)
  • Turns left on Burke Centre Parkway and continues South on the Parkway
  • Stops for a water break in Burke at Knollwood Community Church (10000 Coffer Woods Rd)
  • Returns North on Burke Centre Parkway to Oak Leather Drive
  • Turns right onto Oak Leather Drive, returning to Burke Presbyterian Church where the Walk ends
  • Golden Mile walkers will join the Walk at the water break at Knollwood Community Church and continue with the Walk to Burke Presbyterian Church.

    Police Assistance

    To ensure the safety of all Walkers, Fairfax County police officers provide traffic control and assistance at all street crossings and intersections. Per their instructions, all Walkers must remain behind the lead banner, stay on sidewalks at all times, and remain as a group when crossing any streets or large intersections.


    Ample free parking is available at Burke Presbyterian Church and nearby parking lots (i.e., Oak Leather KinderCare, Kohl's, and Chick-fil-A). [Note: There will be no shuttles for this route.]


    Route Map